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Contract Hiring

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Contract Hiring by Shelby Management Solutions

Shelby Management Solutions has delved into Contract staffing where we find short-term solution for recruitment in organization. Our clients can get the benefit of our pool of good candidates for their needs over a fixed period of time. As Recruitment Consultants in India and APAC, we cater to C-2-H requirements specifically for IT skills.



Contract to hire is a hybrid of temporary and permanent hiring. A company hires a recruitment consultant for a specific time period and then decides at the end of the contract whether to hire the contractor. This process offers benefits to both the employer and consultant. Such employees would be Shelby’s representatives whose payroll responsibility lies with us. Shelby is a fair and reliable organization for efficient Hiring and Placement Services.


  • Contract to Hire
  • Hire – train – deploy


  • Payroll processing and benefits to the administration.
  • Provide skilled, qualified and trained employees who are apt for a job profile.
  • Fulfill the need of employees as per target locations.
  • Employee is given the opportunity to demonstrate their value
  • Contract-to-Hire Jobs Help With Employment Gaps
  • Helps to grow network in industry
  • Helps employee do a test drive before having to work their permanently
  • Helps companies avoid the cost of a wrong hire
  • Provides company with employees with ready-to-hire skills or even trained resources
  • Companies can be a budget – dependent when they hire on C-2-H
  • Bulk hiring to meet the demands for recruitment for a shorter project


In a traditional employee-employer relationship, an organization hires an individual directly for an undetermined period of time. However, when a company is looking for a more flexible way to hire, they work with a Recruiting Consulting firm to handle the hiring process.

At the beginning of the process, Shelby finds qualified candidates, one or more of whom are then hired as contract employees. Rather, their short-term contracts are with the recruiting firm. They are not permanent employees at the company.

The recruiting firm handles the contracts with the company and pays the contract employee, while the employee provides the services the employer needs for the duration of the contract at the company’s premises.

Why Contract to Hire?

Contract-2-hire process is a great way for companies and candidates to test the waters. Prospective employees are given the chance to show an organization their skills and determine if they are a good cultural fit. Similarly, it allows the company to work with new talent for a pre-determined amount of time without the pressure of permanent employment decisions. Employers also benefit from contract to hire as they can add to their workforce for specific projects and potentially hire talented contract employees who are a great fit for the company.


How Does the Payment Process Work?

Although contract-2-hire staffing is a convenient option, the payment process sometimes creates confusion. In most contract to hire agreements, the organization pays the recruitment Consultants, and in turn the recruiting consultants pays the employees for their services during the time they are on contract. Once the organization decides to take the candidate on full time, the employee is paid directly by the organization.


Shelby’s Promise

Best fit to make sure we understand the specific metrics need for the job role and associate it with the best performing talent with a hassle free contract term.